The Telecommunications Industry has relied on the experience and professionalism of Helman Architects, inc. for a wide range of project types. As a result, these long time clients say, "The firm deserves their excellent reputation which they have achieved by delivering consistent, outstanding, indispensable services." Communication project types include:
- New Equipment and Office Buildings
- Buildings Additions
- Tenant Improvements
- Accessibility Upgrades
- Infrastructure Upgrades
- New Toilet facilities and Upgrades
- Parking lot and Site Improvements
- Emergency Engine Yards
- Emergency Power Systems
- Penthouse Additions and Exterior Facade Facelifts
- Data Service Centers
- Wireless Antennas
- New Mobile Services
- Equipment Towers
- Central Offices
- Central Office Equipment Buildings
- Computer Centers
- Co-location Facilities
- Radio Communication Services
- Vehicle Maintenance Centers
- Public Offices / Phone Stores
- Phone Marts
- Employment / Training Centers / Offices
- Central Equipment Upgrades
- New Chiller Room and Cooling Tower Yards
- Commercial Office Buildings
- Plant Operating Centers
- Community Dial Equipment Offices
- Customer Service Centers
- Remote Equipment Stations
- Remote Switching Centers
- Plant Service Centers
- Automatic Switching Centers
- Directory Assistance Buildings
- Directory Assistance Offices
- Power Rooms
- Statewide Directory Assistance Color program
- Phone Center Stores
- Dial Equipment Buildings
- Switch Center expansions
- Switching Equipment Upgrades
- Microwave Stations & Towers
- Yellow Pages Offices
- New Equipment Upgrades
- Cable Vaults
- Chiller Replacements
- Elevator Replacements
- New Underground tanks and replacements
- Second Story Building Additions
- Two Story Building Additions
- Security System Upgrades
- Public Offices
- Operator Services Offices
- Directory Assistance Offices
- Mechanical Equipment Upgrades
- Conference Centers
- Coin Operation Centers
- Gas Vaults
- Cable Pressurization Center
- Cafeteria Remodels
- Renderings & Models
- Feasibility Studies
The costs for the above projects range from less than $50,000.00 to in excess of $15,000,000.00 total project costs and have embraced all types of construction in accordance with current municipal ordinances and building codes.